Get Involved

Want to make a difference, and get support while doing it?

This organization is bit different. In order to successfully co-govern, it is essential that everybody knows who is and who isn't a participant. Because participants get a vote. But it's bigger than that, they collectively hold guardianship for the mission.

The other difference is that conventional training organizations tend to use money as a medium of exchange. We prefer to use time, energy and passion as our currency. Therefore participants are invited to help design, build, operate and evolve the organization. This gives us the joy of achieving meaningful things together as a group. Which we find to be among the most empowering things we get to do in this life. If you haven't tried it, you are in for a treat.

For these reasons, a transparent entry (and exit) process is needed (see also PPPs). The steps and stages of onboarding are summarised in the road map below, try clicking on a box to check it out.


Read about the purpose of the project, and why this work is so important to us.
Watch a video explaining how the social nervous system relates to our practice life.
Check out our shared context for practice work.
Attend the series of 5 free introductory practice sessions, in any order you like.
When you are ready to start the onboarding process, fill out the expression of interest form.

Prospective Participant

Someone will be assigned to assist with any questions you may have, and with your transition generally.
You attend two meetings as an observer, to get a taste of our culture.
Read and digest the package of procedures that comprise our operational shared context.
For the bookworms we have some recommended reading, and for the audio-visual people we have some youtube playlists.
If you decide to proceed, signing the pledge acknowledges this transition and commitment.


The project is all about practice, practice, practice as a vehicle of change and growth.
Participate in weekly pod meetings, together working on aspects of the projects development.
Take part in the online governance system, where all project decisions are formally ratified.
Once you have been an active participant for this long you automatically graduate to the final stage.

Full Participant

Actually not much changes. Eat, pray, love, practice.
The only difference is that in the unlikely event of consensus failing, you get a fall back vote. You are a guardian.
collage collage
Photo credits: Pixabay, and The Zegg Ecovillage, used with permission. Single line drawings: Shutterstock used under license. Use of this website or other Project services is subject to our terms and conditions.